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Gratitude and Grieving

I took a 4 day transcendental mediation (TM) workshop a few weeks ago, and the changes I've noticed have been pretty amazing.

The greatest one is that I am noticeably processing emotions faster than I have in the past. If you've read my last few posts, you know that we just made a big move from a Colorado town that we have lived in for 14 years to the St Louis area. We made the decision to move around Thanksgiving and on December 28th were unloading the haul at our new home. 

We knew it was right because everything kept lining up and falling into place. A sure sign that you are on the right track. And I felt really good! A bit tired from packing and unpacking, but overall excited and ready to jump into a new adventure.

Now back to the TM classes. On day two, I came out of my afternoon meditation feeling a bit emotional. Later that evening, I saw a picture that was taken in our living room in Colorado and completely broke down. I mean crying like I haven't in some time. And it was fascinating, exciting, and incredibly relieving, because I realized I was actually grieving what had just come to an end. Not in the sense that I wanted to go back, but just letting myself feel the release of something that had been such a huge part of my life for quite some time.

This was important and different for me because I was processing the move and transition while it was all still so fresh. We have only been in this new community one month, and I'm letting go and completely stepping in. I was already feeling happy and settled, but these emotions were very present under the surface. And now are gone.

What incredible proof and a wonderful reminder that when we let ourselves settle, and let go, we come out the other side better people. In this case, grief was simply being grateful for what I had and then letting it go. Without this process of release I couldn't fully step into what awaits me in this new adventure. And since that release, the world continues to open in front of me.

I'm writing this blog as much for myself as I am for you the reader. I intend to come back to this post whenever I forget, or get caught up in sadness. I will come back as a reminder that grieving is a necessary cleansing that allows us to move forward uninhibited. I encourage you all to sit with it, be kind to yourself, and then let it go. There's a world of freedom waiting for you on the other side.


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