This is the space we are all occupying - the time of the condor rising, working to bring all of life back into balance. The resistance, fear, and uncertainty around all of this is real. We simply don’t know how to move forward, because there is no path. We have never stood in this space before.
The Eagle and the Condor Prophecy has been a driving force in my life since I first learned of it in 2012. It’s hard to believe that was almost 10 years ago. 2022 has to be our year of action and engagement.
In the words of the late Desmond Tutu, “My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.” It is time to stand firm for the rights of others and make sure that our daily work honors our shared humanity. The greater challenge is doing this from the place of the Condor, the feminine wisdom that is lying dormant in many of us. How do we create change motivated by the awareness that hate is hate - it all fuels the same ugliness and destruction? How do we stand in the face of injustice and inequity while guided by our hearts?
These are some of the questions I hold close as I say goodbye to 2021. These are the questions I’m committed to moving through in the coming months. I hope you will join me on this journey of exploration, for our humanity is bound together.